Businesses in some of the highest energy-con¬suming and biggest carbon-emitting industries are behind many of these innovations. In the auto industry, Rolls-Royce, for instance, filed 425 patent applications in 2008, a record number for the company, which invested £885 million in re¬search and development that year, "a significant proportion" of which was aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its products. The global aviation industry, meanwhile, has agreed to cut its net carbon emiss ...

L'Oréal, parce que je le vaux bien The famous I'Oréal slogan "Because you're worth it," registered at the USPTO in 1976, has evolved with the company's cus¬tomers over the years. "Parce que je le vaux bien" and its English translation "Because I'm worth it" became popular in the late 1990s. In 2004, I'Oréal advertising started targeting the ever-growing cosmetics market for men with "Because you're worth it too." Then in 2009, their advertising started using "Because we're worth it" and for ...

Este cunoscut faptul ca in majoritatea cazurilor firmele cu un management performant pregatesc foarte bine lansarea noilor afaceri pe piata in cele mai mici detalii. Pentru a-si proteja investitiile facute in cercetare, infrastructura, personal, surse de finantare, marketing managerii acorda o atentie deosebita protectiei proprietatii industriale-intelectuale si anume brevetului sau brevetelor de inventie care stau la baza afacerii , marcii sau marcilor care vor identifica produsele sau servicii ...

Incepand cu data de 01-05-2009 se reduce cu 40 la suta costul inregistrarii marcilor comunitare . Astfel taxa de inregistrare pentru o marca comunitara se va reduce de la 1600 Euro la 900 Euro pentru o marca cu pana la 3 clase. In acelasi timp durata procedurii de inregistrare se reduce cu pana la 50 la suta  astfel incat o marca comunitara poate fi inregistrata in maxim 8-9 luni.  Aceasta masura este menita a creste accesul firmelor la sistemul marcii comunitare imbunatatind considera ...